Apply Today!
We are super excited for our 2025 Nationals Pageant!
Pageant will be held at the
Holiday Inn Downtown Sacramento, California
May 25th, 2025
Age Categories and Pageant Information below:
Wee Miss (Ages 2-3)
Tiny Miss (3-4)
Petite Miss (Age 5-7)
Little Miss (Ages 8-9)
Young Miss (Ages 10-11)
Jr. Miss (12-13)
Jr. Teen (Ages 14-15)
Teen (Ages 16-19, *must be in High School)
Collegiate (18-21, *must be in College/Grad)
Miss (Ages 20-24, *unmarried, no children)
Ms. (Ages 25-35, *can have children/divorced)
Mrs. (Ages 20-49, *must be married)
Mrs. Elite (Ages 50+, *married)
Ms. Elite (35-49, *unmarried/separated)
Optional Talent Category
All Contestants will be judged in the following areas of competition:
1. Interview
Contestants will assigned information.
2. Opening Number
Wearing Black Miss Agriculture
America T-shirt and black leggings.
3. Photogenic
4. Evening Gown
5. Stage Question
6. Spokesmodel Category:
(Miss, Ms.,Mrs., Age Groups ONLY)
Finals Awards and Crowning following Competition